Thursday, October 01, 2009

Pictures of you; Picture of me (:

Jezzey is seriously very eager to see the pictures.
So I told him I can only post the once I upload until now.
My damn connection so slow and nobody understands me.
So yeah, here are half of them.

Marcus (:

Marcus is just so small that anyone can turn him upside down

Look at Zhang Yang

This time is Zhang Yang
He looks like.. DEAD!
He is just so straight!

Audrey & Zhang Yang (:
Audrey wanted this picture

They were thinking to do a pyramid
and they were thinking who to be the base of it?
So Yee Long and Jezzey was the one
and Yee Long was smart enough to push jezzey on the floor
and everyone jumped on him.
Btw, pretty underwear you have there Zhang Yang (:


Picture for Audrey.
Audrey & Marcus

Yee Long and Marcus
Marcus cute ryte?

They all were trying to be old

Does Adrian and the sister look alike?
Yeap ryte?

At this moment, not many people were left

So we started playing with Zhang Yang (:

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